Clover Lawn Seed Mix
Introducing our Butterfly Beltway Clover Lawn Mix - the perfect solution to transform your lawn into a vibrant, pollinator-friendly oasis. Our mix contains a carefully curated selection of clover and grass species that are specifically chosen to provide a sustainable, low-maintenance alternative to traditional grass lawns.
The Butterfly Beltway Clover Lawn Mix is not only visually appealing with its lush green coverage, but it also has many benefits over grass lawns. Clover lawns require less watering and mowing, making them a more environmentally friendly option. Clover's deep root system helps to aerate and enrich the soil, while fixing nitrogen, providing natural fertilizer for other plants in the area. It is also drought-resistant, making it perfect for areas with low water supply.
Our mix is specially formulated to attract and support pollinators, with a particular emphasis on bees. It includes a variety of clover species such as Ladino Clover and White Micro Clover that produce abundant nectar and pollen, providing an important food source for bees and other pollinators. Additionally, our mix includes species like Creeping Thyme and Yaak Yarrow, which are known to attract butterflies and other beneficial insects.
What is in this mix?
Species Name Common Name Percent of mix (By weight)
Festuca rubra Creeping Red Fescue 25.00%
Festuca rubra commutata Chewing's Fescue 25.00%
Festuca trachyphylla Hard Fescue 20.00%
Trifolium repens Ladino Clover/White Clover 12.00%
Fescue ovina Sheep Fescue 11.00%
Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover 4.00%
Trifolium repens "Pirouette" White Micro Clover 3.00%
What is the coverage of this mix?
- Hydro seeding/broadcasting - 100 lbs per acre (Approximately 1,690 seeds per square foot)
- Drilling the seed - 100 lbs per acre (approximately 1,690 seeds per square foot)
It's important to note that clover will not completely overtake the grass overnight. It may take several growing seasons for the clover to become the dominant plant in the lawn. Additionally, clover may not be suitable for all lawn areas, especially those that are heavily trafficked or used for sports. Be sure to consider your lawn's specific needs and growing conditions before planting clover.
Pickup available at Programming & Conservation Action Department
Usually ready in 2-4 days