Butterfly Beltway Native Prairie Mix - BULK
Introducing our Butterfly Beltway Native Prairie Mix, a carefully curated blend of 25 native flower and grass species. Please note, this mix will produce tall grasses and flowers.
By planting this mix, you'll be supporting our local pollinator project with proceeds benefitting our Butterfly Beltway Project. You will be attracting butterflies, hummingbirds, and other essential pollinators. In fact, research conducted with our partners at Rochester Institute of Technology has shown that this mix can directly support over 500 locally known insect species.
It's important to note that native prairies may take several years to mature, but with patience and persistence, your efforts will pay off.
What is in this mix?
- Schizachrium scoparium - Little Bluestem - 18.81%
- Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-oats Grama - 10.84%
- Elymus riparius - Riverbank Wild Rye - 8.25%
- Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower - 6.88%
- Gaillardia pulchella - Indian Blanket - 5.00%
- Elymus canadensis - Nodding Wild Rye - 4.81%
- Orbexilum pedunculatum - Sampson's Snakeroot - 4.31%
- Coreopsis lanceolata - Lanceleaf Coreopsis - 4.31%
- Zizia aurea - Golden Alexanders - 4.00%
- Monarda citriodora - Lemon Mint - 3.44%
- Dalea purpurea - Purple Prairie Clover - 3.44%
- Asclepias syriaca - Common Milkweed - 3.00%
- Monarda fistulosa - Wild Bergamot - 3.00%
- Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed Susan - 2.25%
- Liatris spicata - Dense Blazingstar - 2.06%
- Tradescantia ohiensis - Ohio Spiderwort - 2.00%
- Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Weed - 2.00%
- Baptisia alba (leucantha) - White Wild Indigo - 1.50%
- Coreopsis tripteris - Tall Coreopsis - 1.50%
- Dalea candida - White Prairie Clover - 1.25%
- Ratibida Pinnata - Yellow Coneflower/Grey-Headed Coneflower - 1.00%
- Solidago rigida - Stiff Goldenrod - 0.12%
- Aster laevis - Smooth Aster - 0.12%
- Aster novae-angliae - New England Aster - 0.12%
- Lobelia siphilitica - Great Lobelia - 0.10%
Broadcast - 12 lb/acre
Drilled - 10 lb/acre
Dry Mesic
Sun/Partial Shade
Pickup available at Programming & Conservation Action Department
Usually ready in 2-4 days